Decision Use JavaScript strict mode
acceptedOpt in to settings that raise errors for problematic code.
Use JavaScript's strict mode within all top-level functions (nested functions will inherit strict mode).
If the project only includes non-vendor code in a bundle, strict mode can be declared once at the top of the bundle file, instead of per function. When in doubt, declare strict mode per function.
If using ES modules, strict mode is implied, and should not be declared.
Use ESLint to detect non-strict files
Use ESLint's strict rule to detect and enforce strict mode, if you are already using ESLint in your project.
Add strict
to the rules
section of your ESLint configuration file.
strict: [
Some popular rule sets, like airbnb-base
, may not include this rule. Adding it to the eslint configuration file will ensure it is applied.
JavaScript errors will be more noticeable, leading to better code quality.