Decision Use description template for upstream patches in composer


When managing patches in a composer.json file, clear and consistent descriptions improve maintainability and facilitate tooling. Currently, there is no standard template for describing patches, leading to inconsistent documentation.


All upstream patches listed in the composer.json file MUST follow the standardized template for their description. Project specific patches MAY follow the standardized template, and are encouraged to do so. The required format is slightly different if there is a relevant URL for the issue to link to, or not.

If there is an issue link:

Issue #<issue-number>: [<issue-title>](<issue-link>)

If there is no issue link:

Issue #<issue-number>: <issue-title>


  - Issue #1234: [Implement the important feature](
  - Issue #5678: [Fix compatibility with PHP 8.1](
  - Issue #9101: Fix the important feature

This labeling standard applies to patches originating from issue trackers, like, GitHub, or any other platform.

When applicable, the issue number and title should directly reference the original issue in its respective tracker, providing clarity and traceability. Implementation details:

  • The <issue-number> refers to the identifier assigned to the issue by its respective tracker. This information is required.
  • The <issue-title> matches the title of the issue or change request on the issue tracker. This information is required.
  • The <issue-link> points to the original issue, or change request. It can also point to an internal issue tracker with more information about the reasons why the patch is needed. This information is optional.

Example entry in composer.json:

"extra": {
    "patches": {
        "drupal/core": {
            "Issue #1234: [Implement the important feature](": "patches/upstream/drupal/core/1234-important-feature.patch"
         "lullabot/my-php-library": {
            "Issue #5678: [Fix compatibility with PHP 8.4](": "patches/upstream/lullabot/my-php-library/5678.patch",
            "Issue #91011: Fix the important feature": "patches/local/lullabot/my-php-library/91011.patch"


Using a standarized format for describing patches in composer.json will improve readability, and traceability. It will also simplify writing tooling that analyzes patches, or identifies common issues across different projects.